Ph: 0412 880 925
There are several options to apply for an approval to import a road vehicle.
Applications for an approval to import a road vehicle must be made through ROVER, the department’s online system that manages all applications and approvals.
We have over 25 years’ experience applying for import approvals on behalf of clients importing vehicles from anywhere overseas into Australia.
The new ROVER online approval system is complicated and it is important that you choose the correct Import Approval Type and that the vehicle is eligible for import
Before importing a road vehicle into Australia you must obtain an approval to import the vehicle from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.
We can arrange all types of vehicle import approvals including
Road Vehicles
Personal Import Vehicles
Over 25-Year Old Vehicles
Returned Australian Complied Vehicles
Non Road vehicles
Race and Rally Vehicles
Exhibition Vehicles
Film , TV or Advertising Vehicles
Testing or Market Evaluation Vehicles
Small Trailers under 4500 GVM
RAWS Eligible Vehicles